I just wanted to express my gratitude in your designing of my website Maggie Costello Celebrant. I really did not have any idea on what I wanted or where to start. Your expertise and guidance has been invaluable to me and the end result has been so rewarding. You are the professional here, always following me up, making suggestions and trying your best to give me the best. I am so happy with my site and your contribution in putting it together.
Tania has been incredible to work with. She helped me to work out what I needed, form a structure & strategy and kept me on target. I never understood there was such a science behind it all. Her explanations are very succinct and even as a visual person I was able to implement her suggestions. When I needed tasks completed Tania was on target. I really appreciated all her on-going support. Thank you
Thank you so much for creating my website and giving me real web presence out there in internet land. I found the whole creative process relatively easy. You helped me gather my thoughts and drew out the required content information. Your questionnaire was ingenious….. I now have an easy to follow marketing blueprint and strategy to follow and to take my business to the next level…. Thank you
Womens Cancer Fundraiser 2016
Secret Auction Bids Are Now Being Taken !!

WINNER of the 2015
Maggie Costello won a Website Design and Build at the 2015 Womens Cancer Fundraising Event.
The prize included a fully Functional, Mobile Friendly and Secure Website, Website Planning and Design Consultations, Advanced Keyword Research and Digital Marketing/SEO Strategies.
For information on the 2016 Fundraising Auction
Please call Tania – 0412 712 605
Ashley – Yoga Studio
Session with Ashley:
“I have an event beginning in mid-September. I want to book it out. I’ve been promoting since July in one publication.
It’s had lots of interests but no sign-ups yet. How can I market my offering in 25 days or less to big success?”
I went onto Ashley’s Website and started looking around. It took me about six minutes to figure out where she was located. Now here’s why this is such a big problem. Ashley, has a local business, running a yoga studio and trying to fill out a local event. And it took me six minutes, to find out where she was located, I didn’t have a good user experience, i couldn’t find what i was looking for. That’s a problem. If you have a local business, you cannot hide your location on your Website. You need to shout out your location loud and proud everywhere possible, because trust me, it impacts your business. Ashley took onboard four simple changes I suggested. Would you like to know what those changes were ??
Feel free to touch base with me here and request a 15min FREE Chat
Next, let’s talk about Ashley’s event.
Here’s what to do. If you want to fill any event, you have to feature it on your site. Stop hiding the goods. While there are hundreds of qualified web designers out there, your need a strategist who can help you identify your USP (unique selling point) and determine your strict “Call to Actions”. You need someone who understand “Marketing” as well as web design layout and functionality .
Ashley took onboard my suggestion and added a clear “Call to Action” opt-in button with all the correct wordsmith tricks and a swift Facebook marketing strategy.
Ashley filled her event
Ashley is now getting more enquiry calls every day for her business|
People can now find a way to make contact with her
Ashley’s website has improved structure, better navigation and a clear “Call to Action” feature.
Would you like to know more about what the recommended changes were
Feel free to touch base with me here and request a Website Planning and Digtal Marketing Strategy Session.
Lets Get a Website Working for You